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We invite you to join our Friona Credit Union family!
If you are not currently a Friona Credit Union member and would like to join complete a membership application online today! Or you can come see us. It only takes a minimum deposit to open your account and start enjoying the benefits and savings of an FCU membership.
When you visit FCU to become a member, either online or in one of our convenient locations, it is important that the credit union can verify your identity. Because FCU prides itself in earning the trust of each member, member privacy and security of information are paramount. The USA Patriot Act also requires financial institutions to confirm the identity of members to better protect our nation.
Items Needed to Open a New FCU Account:
Must be at least 18-years of age to open; minors must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age.
- Valid United States driver’s license, ID, or U.S. passport with your current physical address*
- Your Social Security Number
- Share Savings Account: $25 (Returned when account is closed)
*If any of the address information is incorrect on the current driver’s license, ID, or passport, we will need a current utility bill, auto insurance card, medical insurance card, or current paystub to verify the correct address.
**A savings account is required on all memberships. Must be eligible for membership. See “Member Qualifications” below.